Oral and Lip Piercings
Oral and Lip Piercings
Oral piercings are piercings placed in the mouth, the most popular of which is the tongue piercing. There are a lot of options for intra-oral piercings, but here are just some of the oral piercings Gemini regularly provides clients:
Frowny Piercing
Smiley Piercing
Tongue Piercing
Tongue Venom Piercing
Tongue Web Piercing
Theoretically, the lip can be placed anywhere around the mouth but the most popular lip piercing is a labret piercing in the center of the bottom lip. Here are some of the lip piercings that Gemini offers:
Labret Piercing
Madonna Piercing
Medusa Piercing
Side Lip Piercing
Snake Bites Piercing
Spider Bites Piercing